Corpsman Chronicles


Friday, November 15, 2019

It's elementary

I don't know how things are done in the schools these days. I've been told that for all the hype and hysteria regarding STEM, nearly the entire science curriculum is based primarily on social propaganda rather than actual science. I've seen a good bit of evidence that this is likely so; mostly revealed in the patently unscientific beliefs that such a great many folks seem to hold.

I don't intend to make a rant here, but in my day (sonny!) we actually got a very good science foundation in elementary school. In fourth, fifth, and sixth grade we learned about the scientific method and how falsifiable evidence and findings trump (heh-heh, he said Trump!) the most famous and beloved beliefs and theories.

So it puzzles me and irritates me that actual scientists and influential people like news media superstars and teachers and college professors and so forth believe that they can kick actual proven results aside and replace them with politically expedient or career enhancing smoke and mirrors.

That said, what actually happens in the universe is what actually happens, and it's affected not a whit by what "everyone" says or believes or agrees on.

Here's an interesting thing that happened yesterday. My Mom was out hiking and came across a big snake sunning in a sheltered area on the prairie. Now everybody (including me) "knows" that after the first hard freeze the snakes are all denned up for the winter, and they don't come out until spring. We've had at least ten hard freezes over the last month. All the snakes are required to be in their dens, according to what we all "know." Yet there was a live bullsnake out sunning yesterday. I find this new fact fascinating and very exciting (tells you about the life I lead) and I don't feel any urge whatsoever to say that the previous but now proven false theory must be more true than reality because of consensus. Dude, I just don't get that mindset. Gives me the creeps.

Okay, that's enough. How about some mostly non-talking ranch videos? Sorry in advance for the wind noise and all the coffee stains on the lens.

Cows going to water and scratching.

Some blabby idiot talking about stock tanks leaking.

Ahhhh, feels good.

There's a snake den entrance in the depths of that crevice, didn't frame it very well...

Little Bluestem (the reddish orange grass stuff) crunching underfoot; lichens, yay!

Noisy hairpane overhead.

Hope you are all well and enjoying the blessings of liberty. I sure am.


  1. That snake was doing his/her own thing, probably didn't get the "time to den up" memo.

    An independent thinker!

    1. Used the memo to wipe his skinny, er, okay. Start over.

      I wonder if he'd be interested in serving as US Serpentary of Education?

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sarge!

  2. We had some rain today that you may see ( as liquid or solid water ) in two or three days. I enjoyed the views or your part of the world.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. Cloudy and pretty here today (saturday), maybe rain/snow on tuesday according to the weather guessers.

      Thanks for the warning and thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. Just stopped by, enjoyed the vids, and your take on education.

    1. Thanks very much for the kind words. I aim to please but most often miss. :)

      Glad you stopped by and commented!

  4. Lots of feed still... Cows are looking so good. Thanks for sharing!

    Can't you adjust the float in that stock tank?

    1. Been a good year. The cows say, "aw, shucks!"

      I could adjust the float and should adjust the float. Somehow I usually make it worse though. As I noted elsewhere, I got skills!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Brig!

  5. You want to be careful around crevices, sometimes there a pumas in them!

    1. Major chuckle! Thanks Scott.

      Them pewmas like to get snakebit they ain't take care!

  6. Yep! :)

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  7. When it's a proper wind it keeps the flies down!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
