Corpsman Chronicles


Friday, January 24, 2020

How come my phone and computer... what I tell them to do rather than what I want them to do?

I've had an S9+ for coming up on 18 months. It's a good phone with a pretty good camera. Butthowever, where with my old phone I could download pics and vids in a flash via the usb cable, when I try with the "new" phone the computer (PC Windows 10) sees the phone and correctally identifies it but says that the folder is empty. I can't find a simple set of instructions on the interwebz that isn't written by the chinesium version of Hemingway. Somewhere I got the idea that I needed to install phone specific drivers on the PC, and I did, but it didn't make any difference.

At present I'm stuck uploading files to the cloud then downloading them to the PC, then uploading them to u2be. The process is slow and... irritating.

Oh, bother.

On the upside it's a good problem to have, and an opportunity to learn. When life gives you intractable computer problems, you make  intractable computer problems-ade.

Which I plan to do once I stop feeling sorry for myself.


New tires on the Ranger are fantastic. Unfortunately, before I replaced them I ran the spare on the front for too long, goobered the rack and pinata, and blew up the power steering pump.

This is a job for the guy with the right tools and the right attitude. I have the right tools, but I do not have the right attitude. Besides, it's January and it's cold in the shop. So I'm going to throw money at the problem. Small towns need businesses, and small town businesses need customers.


Cold-ish and windy today. The air temps are actually above average for January 23, but the wind makes being outside somewhat less than pleasurable. Lots of nerve pain today and my guts are bothering me for some reason. I'm feeling worn out, cranky, and every task I essay (including simple keyboarding) feels like it's a lot harder than it should be. So. Have I missed bitching about anything?

What can I say? It's an ape-lizard thing.

The solution to my own ridiculously simple problems is ridiculously simple. The Big Aircrew Chief will do for me what I can't do for myself. I gotta do my part, but He carries the load.

Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy.


That feels better.


And what felt even better was blasting out a pretty good workout. The nerve pain got a bit better. The gut thing and the weariness and the general malaise didn't exactly get better, but all the better stuff created by the workout made me feel a lot better.

The first part was testing whether the simulated synthetic rabbit fur muffler I glued over the mic opening on the camera helped with the wind noise. I was on the breezy side of a windbreak. I was also testing out the chest rig for the new camera. My initial take is that wearing the rig is comfortable and it keeps the camera plenty secure. On reviewing the video, however... Hope no one gets the ol' mal de mer.

After I turned the corner and headed south I was still on the upwind side of the trees, though most of the wind was behind me. I was going to make the video very brief, but I got distracted by working hard and jabbering too much. I just let the thing run until I finished the hike.

When I downloaded the videos I found that the camera had split the video into two parts, roughly 25 minutes and 5 minutes. I'll have to figure that out.

The straight-line distance was 1.6 miles but all the back and forth scrambling meant I actually traveled more than twice that, just shy of 3.5 miles. All in 42.5 minutes, or under 13 minutes per mile. Not too shabby for a fat old man with nerve pain and a bad attitude.

The camera settings swear that the image gyro-stabilization is on rather than off. Therefore I have selected On Full Force. Could be a simple translation problem. English is not the camera's first language. We'll see if it makes a difference, and possibly even the right difference.

If that doesn't work it's either a gopro or learn to hike like I'm balancing a book on my head and have a stick shoved up my, um, attitude.

All in all a great day. Still not feeling all that great, but a good glacier gallop sure settled the stomach and minimized the nerve pain. And despite the unpleasant wing it was a beautifule day on the prairie.

Be well and enjoy the blessings of liberty.


  1. Did you look in the dcim folder on your phone, I found that sometimes an Android beast will hide photos and videos in that folder. Sounds like a tough day, but one you got through and got outside to play, which I believe always helps. It will be another day in the sun today and better than yesterday, gotta keep plugging :-)

    1. Holy cow. When I looked in the dcim folder it was holding 460 pictures which I know I previously deleted from gallery and then "permanently" deleted by emptying trash. I realize (I think) that emptying trash doesn't erase the file but just frees the space to be written over. I don't know why those images were in dcim though. I deleted them and I'll keep checking for file hoarding, which I'm sure isn't a proper tech term.

      Yesterday was one of those days where I had a choice to be a sedentary pile of jello or do the hard thing and get out and work. I made the right choice. It was hard, but it wasn't that hard. You're nudging me in the right directions via your blog, you know, and I very much appreciate that.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Harold!

  2. I kinda like the view from the chest rig. Looks like video from a really good first-person shooter type video game. (DAMHIK). As for the rock-and-roll motion, gives you a "you are there" feeling. I note that Red thinks you're not moving fast enough. 😉

    As to the download from the phone via a cable, as I recall (I too have an Android) you should have a setting on the phone which allows the computer to read from the phone. No, sorry, I don't remember where that setting is. 😢 A message should show up on the phone when you connect the phone to the computer. Bon chance avec ça.

    1. Maybe I'm being to critical? No, I'm certainly being too critical. And I want six-figure camera images out of a $60 Chinese orphan camera. I need to keep playing with it and see if I can strike a happy medium. It wouldn't kill me to take 500mg of Startactin (like a man) and stride upright and steady like a true ape-lizard instead of, in the immortal words of Taggart, jumpin' around like a Kansas City faggot.

      Regarding the phone and downloading images, Les conseils que vous m'avez donnés m'ont permis de triompher! Now I just gotta figure out how to italicize text in comments. Which has nothing to do with the phone or downloading, but is rather a squirrel that just ran across my mind. I suspect this comment will be used in my competency trial.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sarge!

    2. ¡Muy bien!

      For italics, use an "i" in angle brackets before the text, then a "/i" in angle brackets after the text. Voilà!

      Gotta keep an eye on that squirrel. 😉

  3. "So I'm going to throw money at the problem. Small towns need businesses, and small town businesses need customers."

    Wow! Is a new windshield in your future?

    1. Yes there is! The best auto glass guy in town is semi-retired though, and a big NFL fan. He doesn't do any work during the playoffs. I'm at the top of the list as soon as the Super Bowl is finished.

      Country Standard Time.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Good that you are sharing your lucre with the local businesses.

    LOL, as to the video it's important to remember: Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!

    1. I do like to shop local. Also at the big online place. It's a balance.

      I'd forgotten all about Weebles! How could I forget that?

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Brig!

  5. At least you're outside and exercising, that's all for the good!

    1. It is indeed. Been very nice weather for it too.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  6. Sure have gotten behind in video watching.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. No worries Mate. [Australian accent].

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
