Corpsman Chronicles


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Just a sparse one

To get back on schedule as it were.


I guess Sis had her preliminary hearing this morning. As I understand it, unless she talks someone into bailing her out she'll remain in durance vile at least until her arraignment on formal charges January 29. Considering that she urinated upon the Queen's Highway I don't think the court is in any hurry to adjust their schedules for her.

Once she's arraigned they'll likely revisit the bail question. I think she can plead guilty at the arraignment, waiving a trial and throwing herself on the mercy of the judge. I suspect I'd do that if I were in her shoes and reasonably sane. If it goes to trial she'll lose unless the Queen's Constabulary firetrucked up the paperwork. She could only "win" on a technicality, which would almost certainly be a big loss for her and for society.

Looking over the penalties in Nebraska statute I'm glad I'm not in her shoes.


On the off chance that anyone who didn't catch my comment to this post over at Sarge's place and happens to read this post (a rather unlikely thing, but so is america), I shall post the following video. This Eric Johnston has some pretty good stuff on the u2be.


And now for the fun stuff. Don't worry, it's not one of my videos! If you haven't seen this Sarge, you're in for a treat.

For a Canadarian this Rob guy at British Muzzleloaders has some of the best stuff on the interwebz over at his u2be channel.


If anyone reading this is looking for great and fascinating historical bang stik stuff and has never heard of Bloke, Chap, Mae, Othias, Mark, or Ian (Gun Jesus), let me know and I'll pass on some links. Or shit, just search those names. You'll find the right places.

Be well and enjoy the blessings of liberty.


  1. Good luck with sister's issues, it seems like she is safer where she is for a bit, although it always doesn't seem to change things. Be well and keep putting one foot in front of the other moving ahead. :-)

    1. Thanks Harold. The putting one foot in front of the other thing is important!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Go figure, I missed your comment at my place! Thanks for the videos. Good stuff.

    1. Neither of those guys post frequently on the u2be but when they do it's good stuff.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sarge!

  3. Maybe this experience will start her on the right road.

    My middle son ended up on house arrest (ankle monitor) and random UAs after his last go around six years ago. In his case it worked. He didn't stop drinking but he did stop driving under the influence. Then, three years ago, he went stone sober.

    Here is hoping this experience helps her turn away from self destructive behavior (and breaking her mother's heart).

    1. You never know what will light the spark, and so long as they breathe the spark can be ignited.

      It's a bad deal, the impact on Mom. At the end of the day, though, it's her heart to manage. Family support is wonderful and the right thing for us to do, but there are some things no one else can do.

      Day at a time.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. My heart goes out to you and your Mom. My best thoughts and wishes are with you both, always.

    Paul L. Quandt

    1. Thanks Paul. I appreciate that and will pass it along to Mom.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. A good post, even as a filler.

    Best wishes to your sister, and hope that she chooses to do the right thing sooner rather than later. You are surely a big help to your Mom (hey, and to Nona, your loyal readers, Snow girl, et al). But, a brother's concern can never match a mother's concern for one of her kids. An adult child is free to make their own decisions, good or bad, but a mom will never stop worrying about them. I hope she is able to accept that some things she has no control over.
    Prayers for all.

    1. Thanks John. It's a tough deal. Mom is doing far more betterer at it than I could in her shoes. In that way, she's actually helping me more than I'm helping her. Which is a pretty darned cool thing.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  6. Thanks for the Ft.Worth Aviation Museum OV-10 video, I hadn't seen it before. A few years ago my Sister-in-law went to Dallas for a girls reunion and asked me where to go what to see. (In the late 50s I was at NAS Norman OK going thru the Navy's A&P school and took the bus to "Big D" twice so that qualified me as the families Dallas expert). The museum was having an open house/cook out so I pointed her in their direction. She had a grand time and I got a "T" shirt out of it. Sorry for the late comment. Prayers to your Mom and Sis.

    1. That's a cool story and echoes some of the "expertise" my family awards me with. No such thing as a late comment here! Thanks for stopping by and commenting and thanks so much for the prayers. Every little bit helps helps a big bit.
