Corpsman Chronicles


Thursday, January 9, 2020

I don't remember exactly how it goes...

...but theoretically I could look it up on the ol' interwebz.

I tried, but I couldn't find what I was trying to remember, which was a catchy little aphorism regarding the correlation between certainty and wisdom. I think it went like this:

Great uncertainty gives rise to great wisdom, while great certainty leads to little or no wisdom.

Or something like that.

Anyway, woke up puking again last night, so it may not have been the bagged salad after all. Sorry 'bout that bagged salad industry!

Virus? Bacteria? Stress and overwork? Lack of stress and underwork? One of them eggs from Alien growing in my abdomen? Who knows. I was certain it was the salad. Now I'm uncertain what it was. Is this growth? Let's just say I'm very uncertain...

Felt better by about 10 a.m. this morning. So far so good. I was even able to eat lunch at the John Deere dealership in Scottsbluff, but more on that later.


Last evening the chickens, whose ancestors hail from Trinidad and Tobago I believe, were playing the song of their people on their food pan.

They are some talented pannists!


This morning Mom and I had to run over to Scottsbluff (80 mile round trip) to purchase chicken and dog food at Murdoch's. No video of Murdoch's I'm afraid. I'm laser focused when shopping for chicken feed. Or something.

I still wasn't feeling well when we departed and I didn't want to go all that bad, but it was on the POD (Plan of the Day -- did/do the Army and Air Force have a POD?). Also, I really enjoy going places with my Mom. We always have great discussions, and I'm blessed to be able to share a lot of time with her. Not everyone in the world is so situated.

Countryside and shopping list discussion.

Potential California trip discussion with a gratuitous Minuteman III silo.

Seventeen-mile corner from the south; a bit of discussion of family drunks, more countryside.

More drunkscussion and countryside, hilltop cafe (stay away from anything not on the dessert menu).

Countryside near Harrisburg, Banner County Highway Department, USAF Missile Wing Campus from the south.

Cows in the corn.

Minuteman III silo plus Wildcat Hills again.

The Green Plate! It's part of a John Deere dealership, has been there 3.5 years (my first time today), and so far as they know they are the only JD dealership in the country with a restaurant.

The placement of this video may seem odd. Trust me, it's not.

More Green Plate! The place is very like a sale barn cafe. It's small and with a limited menu and only open for breakfast and lunch. They seem to do a good business. Today we had the special, which was advertised as Kartoffeln und Glace. No, really!

The interwebz translated that as "potatoes and ice cream." The waitress said it was potatoes with garlic cream sauce. Which it was. Plus dumplings, bread, and vegetables. Plus schnitzengruben.

Mom asked me what the sausage was, and I replied (of course) "Schnitzengruben." Which caused her to blow German Ice cream Sauce out her nose. Hey, if you don't want that to happen don't ask me questions at the table. Or in public. Especially in public.

And even more Green Plate! I couldn't come close to eating all the schnitzengruben. But it was good!

All in all a good day. Now I'm off to a thing for an hour or so.

Be well and enjoy the blessings of liberty.


  1. "...Mom and I had to run over to Scottsbluff..." But in the videos, I see that you decided to drive instead. Which is a good thing, as other wise it would have taken much longer and you might have been short of breath with such a long run.

    "Last evening the chickens, whose ancestors hail from Trinidad and Tobago I believe, were playing the song of their people on their food pan." If you were to elevate the pan off the ground in a way that allowed for a more ringing tone, a recording of them on the 'net would make them world famous. Then you could be their manager and make sure they didn't work for chicken feed.

    As to the café, looking at the prices on the menu, I can see why most people were only having desert. Those prices seem high to me.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. Probably would have been all sweaty and stinky too.

      I can see the music industry headline now, "Trinibagos fire manager"

      Remember, they have to fly all that food over The Hump.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Paul!

  2. A nice trip, Wildcat Hills, jamming chickens, plus Schnitzengrueben, who could ask for more?

    Most excellent!

    1. It was a good day. Glad I could share a bit of it.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sarge!

  3. Eight dollars for a cheeseburger? It IS a John Deere hamburger!

    1. Damme straight! Besides, that's only like $2.50 in 1980 dollars.

      Next time I'm gonna try the Johnny Popper.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Scott!

  4. I can't read the menu on my Kindle. What is a Johnny Popper?

    1. 10 oz burger stuffed with cream cheese and jalapenos. An homage to the old 2 cylindar diesels affectinally remembered as Johnny Poppers. We had an R that I loved to drive, "pop-pop-pop-pop-pop!"

    2. I have a friend with an A. Those old 2 cylinders were interesting to start, with having to open the valves at the front of the cylinders, to reduce the compression, and then spin the flywheel!
      I can read the menu on a full size monitor! YAY!

    3. Holy cow, is that what I was doing with those levers and pull knobs? Took me forever to learn the order of pushes and pulls and when to do what depending on what the motor felt and sounded like. Once I learned it was no more a challenge than starting a car, but at first it was like learning magic incantations or something. Thanks for learnin' me up on that!

  5. "...that's only like $2.50 in 1980 dollars." Sure, but, remember what $2.50 would buy in 1980. And, wasn't that just after all of us had been bent over by Jimmah? After some years of double digit inflation? Eight bucks for a cheeseburger is far too much for my pocketbook.


    1. A real diner/cafe style cheeseburger was about a buck in 1980 but fries and drink were extra. So yeah, spendy. However, you can't have John Deere Dealership cheeseburger anywhere in the country for any price, except in Scottsbluff for eight bucks. Or you can upgrade to the enormous Johnny Popper for only three bucks more. Eleven bucks was $3.54 in 1980, but I doubt you could get a 10 oz cheeseburger stuffed with jalapenos anywhere in the world for anything close to that price. Plus the hydraulic sauce is free.
