Corpsman Chronicles


Friday, January 10, 2020

Return of the January

Our warm and sunny (albeit windy) interlude ended in the night. This morning there was an inch or so of new snow, it was markedly colder, and of course the damme wind was blowing.

But that's okay. It is, after all, January.

Scooping the driveway clear wasn't much of a chore. The snow was very light and fluffy and easy to move. Doing the sidewalks was less than an afterthought. It was quite brisk with air temps hovering in the 16 degree range.

I failed to make any audio-visual recordings of scooping. I was in a hurry to test out the traction provided by my $1,200 tires.

The real test would be out in the country, out on the prairie. Red wasn't sure about the whole idea.

Neither was I.

There's more than one way to get stuck though!

Mankind and nature can team up to make pretty stuff for picture takin'.
Just right for swimming!
This windmill has seen a lot of winters.


Back-up bird food.

And video takin' I guess.

It looks cold and feels cold but it's still pretty and magnificent.

And the sun tried to shine!

Be well and enjoy the blessings of liberty.


  1. Thanks for the ride along!
    Do you have studded tires on your pick'm up?
    Love the windmill photos. Is the brake on, as it looks like it blowing pretty good?

    1. Glad you enjoyed Brig.

      No studded tires. I'm not sure anyone around here uses them. Probably do in Colorado and Wyoming though.

      The brake is on but the gearbox is shot. Spring chore for sure. 😁

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

    2. Here in Wisconsin, only fire trucks and ambulances can have studs. But anyone can have chains,"of a reasonable size for the vehicle ".

    3. That's interesting Scott. I looked it up an in Nebraska:

      "Motorists may use tire chains of reasonable proportions upon any vehicle when required (for safety)
      Motorists may use studded snow tires from November 1 to April 1. School buses, emergency vehicles, and mail carrier vehicles may use them any time during the year."

      I'm larnin' a lot this morning.

  2. Here on the Front Range it was snappy on the cheeks but no snow (yet).

    1. Stopped snowing here around 1 p.m. Going to be chilly overnite, down close to zero is the prediction.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. We had a one day cold snap then back into the 40s. I'll take it, especially when the wind is coming in off the Atlantic. Gets a bit brisk it does.

    Lovely day out there, absolutely lovely. Red has great trust in you, it shows in her eyes.

    1. A 25 degree Atlantic breeze can feel as cold as a -25 Nebraska breeze.

      I think Red knows that if push comes to shove she could survive on my carcass until spring. ;-)

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sarge!

  4. Just lookin' at that created an urge to put on a jacket.

    1. The camera picked up a lot of frostiness today. One of those days...

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. Snow completely missed us, or if we had any, it was overnight when I was snoozing.

    Definitely cool tonight. Supposed to drop down to 8* or so.

    1. It was one of those interesting precip patterns where snow was quite localized. It wasn't much snow at all and the stuff that accumulated was very light and fluffy. Two inches in my snow gauge melted down to a paltry 0.03 inches.

      Temps tumbled down to -3 before midnight, then slowly warmed to 13 by sunrise. Nature does a lot of cool stuff.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting drjim!

  6. We got about an inch of snow this evening, which I was pleased to see, as the forecast was for freezing rain. Saturday night, depending on the storm track, we will get 4"-10" more.

    1. Snow is so much better than freezing rain. I wouldn't be all that joyful to get 4-10 inches but I know we'll get plenty more before winter is done, and then we'll get some heavy spring snows unless we move into a drought pattern. Good luck!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Scott as well as for learning me some new stuff today!

  7. Air temperatures are not as low here and the wind isn't able to get the running start here like it does in the wide open spaces where you are. Snow is a rare thing, also. Ride alongs are always enjoyable as is listening to your take on life and all.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. Take a different geographic location, throw in an ocean, some mountains and trees, and it's almost like a different world. Glad you enjoy some glimpses of this part of the country. I sure enjoy being able to share them.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Paul!
