Originally posted November 30, 2011; updated July 24, 2022. We used this weaning process on the ranch from 2010-2018. It worked very well, helping us to maximize both profit and the well-being of our cattle.
This year marked the second consecutive year in which a
low-stress approach to weaning has been used on the EJE Ranch south of Kimball.
Traditionally, cows and calves have been physically
separated at weaning time, often with the cows returning to pasture and the
calves leaving for market on a truck.
Abrupt separation and
relocation is a high-stress evolution for both cow and calf, leading to reduced
feed intake in both and a sharply higher rate of illness in the calves,
particularly Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD), routinely called pneumonia or
“shipping fever.”
The impact of these stressors hit the producer square in the
pocketbook. Cows which are abruptly separated from their calves and
subsequently “go off feed” for a few days are shorted on nutrition at a
critical stage in the gestation of the new calf growing inside them. This can
result in smaller, less vigorous calves at birth or even loss of the calf
through spontaneous abortion or stillbirth. Troubled pregnancies can also mean
reduced conception rates in subsequent years. Also, a cow going into winter
requires a solid body condition, and missing a few days of grazing can melt
flesh away quickly.
Calves which sicken after weaning don’t do as well at the
market, costing the cow-calf producer the premium he’s worked so hard for.
Calves which succumb to BRD either make the producer no money or gain him a
reputation for producing “iffy” calves – those which require doctoring at the
feed lot and seldom catch up with their peers in adding flesh or grading well.
Reducing the stress of weaning – for both cow and calf –
makes a lot of sense. Countless studies conducted over the years have shown that
reducing weaning stress correlates very well with healthier, faster gaining
calves, and healthier, better conditioned cows that tolerate winter better,
produce more vigorous calves, and have higher breed-back rates.
The cattle industry has been somewhat slow in adopting
low-stress weaning, and probably for a number of reasons. Firstly, the “old” or
“usual” way has always worked. Secondly, the expenses and physical work are
borne solely by the cow-calf operator. And thirdly, while many cow-calf
operators like the idea of low-stress weaning, the additional supplies,
attention to fencing, and the time spent planning and then executing the plan often
seem like a few too many extra tasks to producers who are already task
There is more than one way to reduce weaning stress. Two of
the most popular are fence-line weaning and two-stage weaning.
In fence-line weaning, the cows and calves are separated by a
fence. They can still see, hear and smell each other and spend time in close
proximity. Depending on the design of the fence, cows and calves can even make
physical contact through the fence. The fence has to be exceptionally strong
and tight to prevent nursing, and a fact of life is that both cows and calves can work their
way through surprisingly tight fences. Most often, fence-line weaning merely
reduces nursing, rather than eliminating it. In many ways, reducing nursing is
almost as useful as eliminating it, and given time, complete weaning will
eventually happen. So for a producer who can spend 30-60 days weaning calves,
and who is willing to spend the time and effort to re-separate pairs who get
through the fence, this is a great option.
Few cow-calf producers can spend that much time on weaning,
however. The calves have to go to market, to a feedlot, into a backgrounding
program, or out on autumn/winter grass. Cows need to stop lactating, which uses significant energy, and devote that energy to maintaining condition and
growing next year’s calf.
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A big heifer waits in the chute Saturday just prior to receiving her anti-nursing device during annual weaning on the EJE Ranch south of Kimball, Neb. |
This is where two-stage weaning has an advantage.
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A steer calf with a newly attached anti-nursing device just after being turned back in with the cow herd. |
In the first stage, a plastic anti-nursing device (AND) is
placed in the nose of each calf. The devices are small plastic tags which fit
into the calves nostrils and hang down over their upper lip like a moustache.
This can be done while the calves are in the chute to be weighed, vaccinated,
and otherwise “worked.” The calves are then turned back with the cows. As the
calf tries to nurse, the AND pushes the teat away from the mouth, making
suckling nearly impossible. The device does allow the calf to graze and water
normally, however. The cows and calves still have close contact and can nuzzle,
reducing stress for both. As the first stage progresses, the cows and calves
spend less and less time in close proximity, drifting farther and farther apart
as they graze and water, until they are separated for good.
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After a number of frustrating attempts to nurse, this calf finally gave up on milk and turned to grazing. |
During the second stage, after the AND’s have been in place
for four to seven days, they are removed and the calves separated from the
cows. Depending on the situation, the calves can remain near the cows for a few
days along a tight fence or can be moved immediately to market, feedlot,
pasture, or backgrounding pen.
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A steer calf happily grazes late-season grass one day after his anti-nursing device was affixed. |
Two-stage weaning is nothing new, and cattlemen were
affixing metallic AND’s to calves more than a century ago. The plastic tags are
nothing more than a modern iteration of a good idea.
In practice, the process seems to work quite well. On the
EJE Ranch last year, the backgrounding calves gained as well or better than
they had in the past, adjusted to the feed bunk in record time, and had no
illness. Likewise, the replacement heifers did quite well on fall/winter forage
and hay.
The cows also did exceptionally well, carrying good
condition through the winter and producing, healthy, vigorous calves in the
spring. Those calves summered exceptionally well in 2011 and represented a
top-ten calf crop for the ranch.
Removing the AND’s does represent an additional sorting step
and an additional trip through the chute for the calves. Placement of the
devices, which cost about fifty cents each, is quick and easy.
All in all, two-stage weaning seems to be a good option for
the EJE.
Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.