Thursday, January 30, 2020

Back at it

I was up and at it early this morning because I wanted to beat the weather and get outside work and exercise done before the howlers hit.

I did my mobility stretching and pre-workout stretching inside, and that all felt really good. Then I headed out to to do some gully-running cardio.

As soon as I walked out the door the howlers hit -- westerly winds in the 35 gusting 55 range. As the air temps were in the mid 20's, it would be fair to say the weather conditions sucked, at least so far as I was concerned. Having to be out in it and all.

So that made me grumpy, but in a kinda-sorta good way. I was grumpy because I'd have to do my gully runs and straw hauling in the shitty weather.

A weather cank was not an option.

I went as hard as I could on the gully runs, doing 30 over and backs in about a buck-twenty. By the third or fourth one the wind was became a small irritant rather than a huge pain. So 60 uphills on quite steep slopes, and the watch gave me credit for each as a single 22-foot flight of steps. Total steps for the cardio portion was 9648, just shy of 4.5 miles.

It was a very aggressive cardio workout and I was seeing stars on the last five over and backs. I didn't get acidotic at all. I had some nerve pain but it was mild and tolerable. So it was a great workout.


Directly afterwards I picked up 20 small straw bales for chicken bedding. I was going to get 80 but it was too miserable out. I'll get the other 60 when the wind isn't so bad.

Moving small bales is often a good workout but wheat straw bales are so light and easy to manage that you can easily carry two at a time. Not exactly a waste of effort but not a real workout either. Nevertheless, it'll be good chicken bedding.


Thereafter I was on the go for the rest of the day. Lots of little chores and errands lined up and I worked my way through a prodigious list.

I paused before heading home to watch a rather pretty sunset. Not a fiery-spectacular one, but a moody, changing weather, late January one.

And now I must shower and go hit a couple of functions. Hoping to be home by 9 p.m. so that I can get to sleep at a reasonable hour. Maybe it'll work that way, who knows?


For some reason visions of night burner cat shots have been dancing around in my head today. Not sure why.

Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. You still kept yourself busy, that is important, too!

    1. Busy is much better than idle. Ask me how I know.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Scott!

  2. Night cat shots, pretty to behold, terrifying to contemplate.

    Maybe it's just me?

    1. In my experience, if you're actually going to be riding the flaming pig off the boat at night, it's better to just do it and skip the contemplation. Pull out the PCL and drill yourself on emergency procedures. That works pretty good to chase the contemplation away.

      The best place to watch F-14 cat shots was always from the box between one and two.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sarge!

  3. Thanks for the photos and videos.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. You're very welcome.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Paul!

  4. That was a tough workout, I am a fan of doing hill work, it sucks in a good way, but when doing it you are questioning your sanity and then when you are done you smile and think - damn I did good. :-) You done good.

    1. Thanks Harold!

      It's a lot of fun to see what my body is capable of. The mind would prefer an easier path, but it also loves smashing the challenge.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. Cat shots are always 'interesting' at night...

    1. That's a solid fact. You can't see, and what you can't see is all the extra draggies reaching up to pull you down into the sea!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
