Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Flesh and blood and reality

This blooger interface is stupidly insane. Yesterday the "paragraph" mode in compose yielded single line spacing for every click of the return ("enter" for modern folk) key. Today it's double space. It also won't hold fonts from compose to publish. It changes special characters as well. It changed all my previous post fonts from Arial to the "default font," which appears to change randomly. I went back and changed a dozen or so recent posts back to arial; the next day they were all changed back to some other shit. The fucking thing also throws images up randomly when I select multiple images for upload. In other words, they go up not in the order I've selected them but in some other fucking order. It's also randomly changing fonts in the middle of the fucking sentence!

While it's true that as a free product I shouldn't complain about it overmuch, but is it even a product anymore? And what about the cost to me in time and effort and irritation? Free? Maybe not really. The douchebags shouldn't have changed it from a workable system to a system that ruins my presentations. I suspect there is more than simple incompetence involved, but I could be wrong. Anyway, so be it. I'll try to do the best I can for as long as I can, but any gurgle folks I happen to meet may well have their faces introduced to mr. light pole. I just can't see that as a bad thing.

Okay, I'm done(ish) bitching.


Yesterday I ended up doing eleven and a half miles. About eight was dedicated exercise and the balance was regular walking, more for enjoyment than exercise. Of course it all logs caloric expenditure to the output side of the ledger, and that's good.

However, as a certified idiot, I spaced off hydration yesterday. I don't know why. I never felt thirsty and that has something to do with my non-hydration I suppose.

Anyway, lots of muscle cramps last night and very low blood pressure this morning; 70-ish over 40-ish. So I need to force fluids, but I'm also slightly nauseated this morning. I've allowed myself to become metabolically unbalanced. Speaking of douchebags...

It's not a huge deal, but it is a deal. It's an experience along the journey of Shaun's life. Will I learn from it? Will I straighten up and fly right? I suspect I will, until the next time I space it off and go through the same thing.

As always experience is part of livin'. Optimal and non-optimal experience is part of life. The non-optimal provides an opportunity to learn in addition to being valid experience. In that light it's best, imo, to properly view such things as neither good nor bad, but rather as important and vital and valid experiences.

At least that's my thought of the moment.


I had a very good rant going but I abandoned it. Well, actually I saved it for another day. It's a rant against ogres, and ogres need to be ranted against, but ogres need also to be studied and understood.

So in the not too distant future it'll be ogre day, but that day is not today.


It was very beautiful this morning. It was rather cool, with air temperatures in the low 40's, but there wasn't much wind yet. So it was brisk and just right for walking. The sun was bright and Octoberish and the several millions of Kimball dogs were barking. I don't let my dogs bark constantly. Must be something wrong with me.

High School. Ed-ja-ma-kashun is a place where wuhandromeda insanity is a raging flood. It's child abuse.

And I was running late, but my foots kept going adventuring! Also looking at a house to buy. Has some serious bunker potential. Ugly paint though. At the end of the walk I was only eight minutes late.

And then I crashed into the day and the busy took me. Which is about all I can say at the moment and this seems a good place to abruptly end this post.


Be well and embrace the blessings of liberty.


  1. Yup, the new interface is like defusing a fecking bomb. But the only thing exploding is our heads!

    1. Makes my head explode for sure. I guess it's a challeng if I look at it a certain way. Sigh. Never had to worry about such things back in the stone age. Does give me a chance to break out in sailor talk though... ;-)

      Thanks Chris.

  2. Since my blog is simple stupid, I only curse four to seven times per posting. Usually I write it in Word then copy and paste.

    1. Something I should try I guess. Images and videos are a pain. Wonder how well the text formating holds up, special characters and so forth... something to try!

      Thanks Frank.

  3. Drinking enough is very important. I sometimes forget, and regret doing so.

    1. Dehydration ain't for sissies. It's for mo-rons! ;-)

      Thanks Scott.

  4. One step at a time eventually gets you where you need to be, and yes, HYDRATE! We're not 21 anymore and bulletproof!

    1. One step at a time indeed.

      I'm trending toward 12 and bullet resistant. Maybe it'll work out for me. ;-)
