Friday, April 3, 2015

April showers...

...bring May flowers. Trust me. April 2. Happy Birthday Lorena June!

And on the morning of April 3...


  1. Now there's the Nebraska I remember! (Colorado, Kansas and Wyoming fit the bill too!)

    But if you listen carefully, one can hear the birds singing in the background.

    A sure sign that spring is on the way.

  2. One of my favorite things is to stand out on that snow covered April prairie with the sun shining down and the Meadowlarks singing, "Snow? What snow?" Every bit of that white stuff had magically changed phase by noon.

  3. There are few Meadowlarks here for some reason. I guess they prefer the flatlands. I just finished weed eating the defensible space around the house, and now we are getting a small rain storm. We need rain, oats have shattered and clovers have bloomed out...knolls have died back, it is going to be an interesting spring.
    Happy Easter to you & yours.
